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Friday, January 16, 2009

Identity Theft Protection: Easily Protect Your Good Name

By Harvey Warmuth

With over 79 million cases of identity theft in the last year, it is one of the most rapid growing crimes in the US. Identity theft costs consumers billions of dollars each year, and is very expensive to the individual that becomes a victim of this crime.

Identity theft is a crime against consumers that, while it might not affect each of us directly, we all are indirectly impacted. Identity theft is the act of using someone's personal identifying information for criminal purposes, often times resulting in some sort of financial gain for the criminal.

By stealing personal information such as Social Security Cards, bank accounts, credit card numbers, etc., an identity thief will attempt to open up accounts in your name for their use, or steal money directly from your bank accounts and credit cards. The ultimate goal of identity theft is to financially enrich the thief at the expense of consumers.

In order to not become a victim of identity theft, you need to be very careful with how you handle your sensitive personal data. You also need to be aware of your online activity, including the use of email, as this is becoming an increasingly popular avenue for identity theft.

There are companies that offer identity protection solutions which compliment the steps that you should be personally taking to secure your identity. Due to the fact that the crime of identity theft is on the rise, you need to take some serious measures in the fight against identity theft. One of the best steps to take is to make use of one of these identity theft services.

An identity theft protection company will automatically place fraud alerts on your accounts with the major credit bureaus. Fraud alerts are one of the best ways to prevent identity theft, and can be done manually or through a service. The advantage of using a service is that they will automatically renew your fraud alerts, which is something that has to be done every 90 days.

With identity theft becoming a larger issue with each passing day, it is becoming increasingly important to protect yourself. The use of an identity theft protection solution has become one of the most affective, and easiest, ways of identity theft protection.

When you use the services of an identity theft protection company, you are purchasing a safety net in case you do become a victim of identity theft. These companies will assist you in undoing the damage of identity theft, but more importantly, they will greatly aid in your defense against ever becoming a victim.

Identity theft is the fastest-growing white-collar crime in the US, and it often has devastating effects on those that become its victim. Take the necessary steps today to ensure that you do not become identity thefts next victim.

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