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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Starting your Family on a Budget

By Samantha Asher

Do you have a family? Do you struggle with money? Do you spend money whenever you feel like it? If you said yes to all of these, you have a problem. You need to set up a budget to get your family's finances on track and get out of debt if you have any.

There are all kinds of debts. Some common debts of families include personal loans, auto loans, credit card debt, and any other types of debt or financing.

In order to pay off your debt, save for emergencies, and contribute to retirement, you need to either spend less, earn more, or do both simultaneously. Of course, doing both will make the process much faster. Once you pay off your debt, you can move onto your savings goals.

Before you can start paying off debt, you need to spend less. You need to make a budget and set up a plan to start spending less. Get your whole family in on it by setting up a family budget.

Both parents need to be in on the family budget. If one spouse spends all the money the other is trying to save, no progress will be made. The kids also need to learn better money management. Instead of giving them money whenever they ask, make them get a job and earn their own money.

It's important that you pay off your debt as soon as possible because your debt will keep growing and earning interest. You can and should open up a 401K or 403B, if you work for the government or nonprofit, and start contributing to it. I recommend contributing a small amount now in order to take advantage of time and compounding, and then increase your contribution substantially once you've paid off your debt.

If you feel trapped because you try to cut back and are still living barely within your means, take a serious look at your spending. Are you living in a house you can't afford? Your expenses are never as low as they can be if you can ever downgrade your living. Don't just look at cutting small expenses, also look to shave your big bills down.

The small things can still add up. Cut back on cable, cut down your cell phone plan, get a used car to get rid of car payments, use coupons and buy store brand, and stop buying snacks away from home. Move into a cheap apartment until your debt is paid off if you have to.

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