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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Do You Understand No Fax No Credit Check Payday Loans?

By Jennifer Winterland

At any given time circumstances may arise that just aren't affordable at that moment. These situations may be anything from a sudden illness in the family to major car repairs. Because of these unexpected expenditures, you may be behind in your utility bills. You have probably wished that you could get an advance on your salary or be paid a couple of days early so that you could meet these financial deadlines.

A simple quick and easy solution may be a payday loan. They are now available online and some don't require credit checks or the faxing of important documents. The applications are not complicated and you can obtain loan approval in a matter of minutes in many cases.

Obtaining a loan of this type has never been easier. The internet is a big part of this and it has quickly become the method of choice for people who use this type of service. There are many companies that have online services and there are some that deal exclusively online.

Are you still hesitant regarding the no fax, no credit check payday loan? Perhaps you are wondering when you will receive your funds. Many times the funds you need will be transferred directly to your bank account. Just think, you don't even have to wait for a check to come in the mail.

Is fear of a credit check what is holding you back from using this type of service. The economy has a good portion of the population struggling to make ends meet. If you weren't in need, you wouldn't be looking at using one of these services. Many of these payday loan programs don't require a credit check so that should put your mind at ease.

Are you still a bit fearful? Look into the different companies that offer these services. In some cases you may not have to submit any documents, it's simply not required with some payday loan services. They are there to help you in an emergency financial situation so that you can take care of what needs to be done and move on with your life.

Ok, so you already understand that there are not credit checks and no complicated red tape to go through from many lenders, but you are still hesitant to go into a store and get the help you need. aWhat if someone sees me?a That is a fear from people all the time. Donat let this keep you from getting the help you need. If this is a concern, going online is your best answer.

There is one thing you do need to do before applying for your payday loan and that is to research the companies you are considering. Make sure you are aware of the loan structure and what the fees are before you obtain the loan. These loan programs have improved greatly since they were first initiated. You need not worry about confidentiality and with the quick turn around time, they can really help you get over a financial hurdle. One bit of advice though, the best use of these loans is short term. Try not to roll them over.

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Increase Your Income And Grow Your Business With a Life Coach

By Christina Helwig

After running in circles trying to accomplish some big goals in my life, I finally bit the bullet and hired a life coach. The differences I have seen lately have completely thrilled me. My coach has helped me in ways I never thought possible to expand my business and create real wealth for my family.

When I first met my coach, she took the time to get to know and understand me. She did not ask me what I desired to accomplish or what my dreams were. I thought this was a little weird at first but I now know why she did it. Instead of rushing in to save me, she wanted to find out what was holding me back from achieving my dreams. By understanding what my stumbling blocks were, she could better formulate a plan to help me move ahead.

It took me time to find a life coach that I liked. One of the biggest requirements for me was personal responsibility. Would the coach call me when they said they would? Would the coach follow up on a lead that I gave them telling them that I wanted to work with them? And most importantly were these coaches demonstrating in their own life the type of accomplishments I wanted? Were they happy, healthy, wealthy, were they genuinely great people and lastly did they have great relationships in their world?

I had also made the choice that I personally wanted to partner with a female coach because women have unique concerns that a male coach might not always take into account or fully understand. This is in no way intended to disparage a male coach, it was just a personal choice I have at this time in my life. I have had male coaches before and they were great mentors.

After contacting a few women life coaches that met my criteria I was getting no where with finding the coach I wanted to work with. I put the thought in the back of my mind and continued working on my different projects and goals. Then on a vacation I had the good fortune to run into a acquaintance that did life coaching. I was a little scared but I asked her at lunch if she would coach me and she to my delight said yes. Earlier that week I had watched her interact with people and more importantly observed how she connected with me. She was kind, polite and had built a life for herself that I wanted to emulate. She was someone I could look up to and someone I wanted to work with deeply. Her coaching started off at my pace and was not a preset plan she led all her clients through. It was truly personalized and was built for me and for what I wanted. She was also available and responded to my questions and concerns quickly. I did not have to hunt her down and felt like I was her only client. The sessions completely focused on me and what I wanted.

You have to first understand where you are and how you got there before you can really take a quantum leap into real success. My coach helped me see personal traits that I did not recognize. Now don't get me wrong, I am no stranger to personal growth and self-development courses and books. I am an avid reader, writer and I personally coach people to help them reach their goals and live their dreams. Because of this I know that to really get great results, I had to practice what I preach and get myself a formal life coach.

Sit down and contemplate whether you are achieving the goals that you set for yourself. And more importantly are you merely shooting for goals you think you can achieve? Your goals should be a challenge, something to strive for and push yourself with. Not something that you can clearly see yourself doing. Your goals have to scare you a little bit and make you a tad nervous, otherwise you are not thinking grand enough. Remember that you are trading your life for the dreams that you set for yourself. Each second you give up should be worth it. When you look back at your life you want to see great accomplishments and a truly fulfilled life, not a life that was lived in the shadows or played safe.

Think of the type of life you really want to lead and look at how you are living now. Do you think that your current habits, actions and thoughts are congruent with what you want to create in your life? What can you do to bring those three things into alignment.

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Apply For a Mbna Zero Interest Credit Card Services

By Gugu Martini

Whan it comes to credit card applications, charging it to the Plastic is a term which although prevalent doesn't do justice to the service a credit card supplies. Generally speaking, it is the ease with which we can all now obtain credit which has helped fuel the economy all around the world. That's why a lot of businessmen, young professionals, big bankers and even well-off students are lining up inside their trusted banks, credit card application in one hand and the need to have instant credit on the other.

Who can really be blamed when this is now the norm in society to have at least one credit card even though it means that eventually, cash will become extinct. The down side to credit cards is many people fail to recognize the care with which they should be used. Of course today more than ever, with the problems we have globally, credit card issuers want to be sure the credit card is actually going to be used by the correct person. For the foreseeable future, citizens in the US will have to be patient as more identity checks are carried out in line with the US Patriotic Act being, which is the main piece of legislation put in place to meet the new security measures These delays are not stopping US citizens from applying for their credit cards; such is the demand for this near cannot-live-without facility.

An average American from the middle class bracket owns about eight to ten different credit cards and uses all of them at an average if once a day. Currently running at around 100,000 credit card applications in the system every day in the United States, there doesn't seem to be any slowing down in the demand. Analysts are predicting this number will increase as demand and the population increases. People need to be educated however, in the need for greater responsibility when using credit cards as a great deal of money is currently wasted especially online with adult, gaming and other money sucking services. So whenever you're ready grab a pen and paper and get ready to fill up that credit card application form and be one step closer in the way you buy.

Even if you have been told that you have been chosen to receive a credit card, do not expect to go to the front of the queue as the need for a full and complete application will still be required. Usually this is sent out to a person who the database says is approved at that postal address but you will still need to prove you are that person especially with identity theft so rampant nowadays! Many people nowadays don't even bother filling out paper forms when they can just complete an online form instead.

When filling out your credit card application, there are some important details that should be considered one being the possibility of hidden fees that can be quite expensive.

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Need To Apply for a Bad Credit Personal Loan

By Gift Mabuza

If you are having trouble keeping up with your debts and household bills, don't despair because you are not alone. Believe me when I say that about 90 percent of people battle with this problem daily. The problem is considered just a daily fact of life for many, may people. Time moves quickly and it is not long before your student loan and credit card debts catch up with you usually just after graduation.

It is often the case when you are in full time education that you forget that the student loan and other debts you've accumulated will have to be paid off, this normally dawns just after graduation. If that isn't bad enough, before you know it you are married with two children and a mortgage. You probably haven't even finished paying of you student loans yet and suddenly there are monthly household bills and a mortgage or rent to take into account.

Well, how did it all happen so fast? Life can be quite predictable and unless you were very good and didn't have any credit cards, and parents who were generous enough to pay for your schooling, then this is likely what's happened to you. It's the interest rate that's the killer so if you want to deal with the debt then it's time to tackle the loan application.

Yes, it may seem like a strange thing to suggest if you are already deep in debt. It's quite simple really as the key is in the interest rate as I hinted at before. It is almost invariably a high interest rate that is causing the problem and yours may even be as high as 17%. Do you really want to keep wasting your precious financial resources like this? How much do you owe? How much do they equal all together and what is the current interest rate on each? Perhaps after you have done this it may be possible for you to apply for a loan that incorporates all your outstanding debts into one. Consider what it would mean to you if your interest rate dropped to say 4%? Just think how much better you would feel only making one repayment per month and at a lower rate of interest.

There is no need to delay anymore because the options are there if you go looking on the internet. In no time at all you can easily apply for a loan to obliterate those awful monthly bills and interest rates. Delve into cyberspace and apply for a loan today.

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Divorce and SAVE money?

By Mike Mastracci

Particularly in today's struggling economy, people are conscious of every dollar they spend. When separation and divorce strike, some people will understandably try to save on legal fees by embracing the collaborative law approach. While you will still have to spend money, it is well worth it. Whatever you do, don't try to do it yourself with one of those do-it-yourself "divorce in a box" kits.

When you try to a void hiring an attorney to guide you through the divorce process you will usually regret it. Lack of legal knowledge and experience can result in unnecessary and expensive court delays, incorrect paperwork, missed deadlines, improperly filed documents -- in effect, a real mess. There is a reason people say that only a fool hires himself as an attorney.

Most divorces are not necessarily cheap. In fact, you may have heard the phrase, "it's cheaper to keep her." What about him though? "Cheaper to keep him," may be true too, but it doesn't sound as good. Oh well, with the holiday season upon us and given the state of the economy in general, household finances are an issue. When divorce hits, it can be a financial disaster no matter when the separation occurs.

By engaging in the collaborative divorce process you do not have to contend with arbitrarily imposed court requirements, but can work together to provide your children with maximum financial stability. Both you and children deserve nothing less. If you must separate or divorce, do it with dignity and save a buck or two along the way.

So, where do you find collaboratively trained professionals? The biggest and most valuable network can be found at You can also find many useful articles on collaborative law at

How much you spend on a collaborative case, much like any other domestic cases, will largely depend on the degree that the parties truly cooperate to reach acceptable resolutions of their respective issues and concerns. Fighting and bickering is expensive. It is much cheaper to"play nice.

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Credit Card Debt

By Eric Jilson

Growing credit card debt is a very real problem in the United States today. For the average person this debt grows larger and larger every single day. This situation creates problems not only in the credit card world, but in other areas as well.

US credit debt effects not only the consumer in their pocket book, but also in mortgages, bankruptcies, home and business foreclosures, automobile and student loans. As credit card debt in the United States continues to soar out of control, more and more people are seeking the services of credit counseling agencies and consolidation loans, to fend off the high interest fees and drowning in credit card debt.

More Americans than ever are taking drastic steps to get back on their feet financially. If you do not think the debt is that bad, you need to reexamine the information and statistics. The average person carries a monthly balance of around $1000.00. Of this amount, by making only the minimum monthly payments, it would take 22 years and more money in interest to pay off this debt.

The household average in the US is around $8500.00, and this is just the average on one credit card. Since the 90's this amount has tripled in size. The average credit card holder in the US, pays over $1200 a year just in interest fees alone. This money could easily cover your rent or mortgage payment for a single month, have you really looked at this information realistically? What happens if you ever have to worry about job security?

Have you thought about how you will pay your bills then? The average interest rates for credit cards in the US is around 18.9%, and it keeps on escalating. Some credit cards have introductory rates as high as 23%, and for those people with bad credit this rate can climb to an unbelievable 30%.

Many people would never tell their friends or family how much money they owe on their credit cards, nor would they tell them if they were 30 days past due on making their payments or facing possible collection action.

This is a very real problem and it has a flow down effect on such businesses as real estate, auto, banking, consumer loans, and stock market. Effects of bad credit do not only involve the consumers, but it causes many economic problems as well.

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The Perfect Website For Property Owners and Buyers

By Mary J Russell

I don't know why, but it never crossed my mind that the internet would be a good place to learn about real estate, but a friend of mine suggested a great website that is perfect for anyone who owns property, or is considering picking some up. It had all sorts of information on the property market.

The recent housing market problems have brought the cost of purchasing real estate down, making right now the perfect time to invest, if you have cash that be diverted. When real estate values start to rise again, you'll be glad you got in while the values were low. There was a really interesting article about this on that website I was talking about a minute ago.

The site is all about real estate ownership, and that includes providing information on how to be successful at becoming a landlord and leasing the home or lot to earn a profit. It's really difficult to tell you everything the site had to say about becoming a landlord, but there was enough to keep you busy for a while catching up.

Property and real estate news is important to keep up with. Real estate and precious jewels and metals, after all, are where all value is based. When the time is right, and the value of a precious commidity is low, investors should be carefully choosing the real estate that will prove the most valuable to them, and purchasing. That not only boosts the economy, but provides a stable footing for the coming rise of that property's value.

Real estate is a very important commodity. It has been responsible for much of the world's exploration, and is a driving force that will go with us into the stars. But right now, it is a major factor in the economies of the world. Anyone who owns property should be staying on top of market and property news, and a site such as this one makes it much easier for you to do.

One thing that I really liked about the site was that it supports RSS feeds. I love the way you can use those to slect exactly the information you want to know about, and have it delivered to a reader. I even heard that you can have RSS feeds sent strait to your email, but I haven't gotten around to trying it that way yet.

It was a very appealing website, all the way around. Finding the right information was only a click away, and it was a breeze to understanding the intuitive menu commands. As a whole the place very professional, from the design to the aritcles themselves.

If you are even a little bit interested in property and real estate, this website is going to really appeal to you. It is full of information that I thought was very helpful in some decisions I had to make. Take a look for yourself, if you want, and then tell me what you think.

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?Save Homes By Means of Foreclosure Help

By Michael Geoffrey

In uncertain economic times, when unemployment and underemployment runs rampant, many families also have to fear losing their home to foreclosure. While some may have brought their troubles on themselves through irresponsible spending habits, many others are looking for foreclosure help due to factors over which they have little control.

Food, electric, and heating costs have skyrocketed in recent years, and this has understandably caused many families to decide between using the money they have to pay for the absolute essentials of life only.

Additionally, during last decade's housing boom when money was readily available at low, adjustable rate mortgages, many families were able to buy homes that under other circumstances they would not have been able to afford or been able to receive financing. For many of them, foreclosure help is their only chance of saving their home, but they have to be careful about the type of help they receive or risk being thrust deeper into financial turmoil.

In an effort to assist people who risk being foreclosed on, several state governments have begun to help prevent foreclosure. Some people who need assistance have been victimized by what are often referred to as "predatory lenders" who intentionally offer loans to people that will not be able to pay back the money they borrow. Such lenders allow individuals to change their expenses or income in an effort to qualify for loans they should not be able to obtain.

Getting Help Before Foreclosure

After months or struggling to pay their regular bills as well as their mortgages, and families find themselves facing foreclosure, help may be off in the distant future, but their need is now. It has been stated many times that the best time to seek foreclosure help is before the process begins.

The sad truth is that people often postpone getting assistance to prevent being foreclosed on until it is too late. When they do try to get help, their credit history has often been affected negatively to a point where they can no longer get the low interest rate loans they need to prevent foreclosure.

Many companies are in business providing foreclosure help for many families struggling to make their home loan payments. It may result in rewriting the mortgage note at a reduced interest rate, but for a longer period of time, but with lower payments that are not contingent on the prime lending rate, it could provide the foreclosure help they need to get their finances in order.

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Instant Online Mbna Low Apr Credit Card Offer

By Gugu Martini

Used properly, a credit card will be one of the most useful financial aids you can ever own, but finding one that has a low interest rates will be a determining factor. Low APR credit cards are available and of great benefit for those who cannot afford to pay their balance off each month.

The way the financial industry promotes credit cards is on their Annual Percentage Rate or APR which is the method use to calculate how much interest is paid by the card user annually. Although this figure is divided by twelve to provide a monthly interest figure on any outstanding balance. This figure must be disclosed before the agreement is signed otherwise the credit card agreement will be void.

Although the arrangements and terms may vary from lender to another, it is better for people to avail a low APR credit card because the lower the APR, the better the deal for them to spend more money in shopping around. Low APR credit card is a good choice for those people who are into a tighter financial budgeting as being the most important attribute of a credit card, APR determines the significant balance over a longer period of time.

Many low APR credit card offers can be found on the Internet but you will also see them advertised elsewhere. Some of the questions you have to ask when looking for a low APR credit card includes the charges; whether they are variable or fixed rate because when these charges are variable it might affect the repayments whereas if these rate are fixed they will it stay the same.

Searching for a low APR credit card may also include inquiries on the possibility of any charges that are not included in the APR like optional payment protection insurance for instance. Not every low APR credit card will be suitable as some of the other fees that are paid may not suit you situation so check into what you will be expected to pay in advance.

You should now have enough information to look for a credit card that has not just a low monthly interest figure but one that also combines the lowest annual charge as well. Most low APR credit card offers zero percent APR for the first months on purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers and they also offer no dollar liability on unauthorized purchases, with no annual fee.

Often low Apr Credit Cards just have very good intro rate for purchases but also offer good longer term deals if you want to transfer the balance for another credit card. The uses for a credit card are many as they are in effect an ongoing loan but can be used for services and are accepted around the world.

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Credit Card Low Apr Credit Transfers Review

By Gugu Martini

The interest rates on most credit cards probably reflects the way the cards are used and is payment for what is an ongoing loan, but used properly they are a fantastic tool. Low APR credit cards are available and of great benefit for those who cannot afford to pay their balance off each month.

The APR or annual percentage rate is the best overall guide to how much interest you will pay each month and is based on how much interest you will pay over a twelve month period. The APR on credit cards is usually calculated monthly based on the current amount in the card and the monthly interest is calculated as if the current card balance would remain the same over a year; the interest on the amount over a year (APR) is worked out and divided by 12 to give the monthly interest. It is the law that all lenders tell the client what their APR is before signing any agreement.

Every credit card issuer will have their own financial arrangements and terms but by choosing a low APR credit card it will help to lower the amount of interest paid each month. Low APR credit card is a good choice for those people who are into a tighter financial budgeting as being the most important attribute of a credit card, APR determines the significant balance over a longer period of time.

Most credit cards that offer a low APR will be found online so if you are looking for one, this is the place. However, remember that to provide a low interest rate there may be other charges like an annual fee and check to see if that low interest rate is fixed for a set period or is variable.

Searching for a low APR credit card may also include inquiries on the possibility of any charges that are not included in the APR like optional payment protection insurance for instance. Just make sure you are aware of what charges are due, when they are to be paid and whether they are voluntary before you make your commitment.

If you are now seeking for a low Apr credit card you may begin looking for a scheme that could help you save hundreds in interest with a low interest credit card and low cost processing. Most low APR credit card offers zero percent APR for the first months on purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers and they also offer no dollar liability on unauthorized purchases, with no annual fee.

As an incentive some will just provide a zero interest rate for transferring a balance for all the time the balance is being paid off but will charge interest on all other transactions. There are many uses for a credit card and some people only use them to improve their credit score after they have had financial problems.

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Does Bad Credit Mean No Mortgage?

By Troy Cruz William Engle Dawn Khoury James Nissen Robert Hill Chris Laning Janet Taylor Jack Enders Bruce Gross Rick Bean Keith Wood Ray Johnson Alex Velez Juan Hines Paul Holtz Kenya Rios Peggy Dye Neal Dawes Lucas King Karl Howell Jarrod Lucky Ruth Coats Doris Lund Ryan Hudson Henry Bush Lonnie May Arlen Bell Wanda Kuebler Kevin Stiles Nick Horton Jorge Pina Frank Vera Chad Copp Fred Brod Jose Cruz Jeremy Stanley Mark Jones Kelly McMahon Barney Bernard Ailleann Alan

What's your credit score? If you know what it is and your credit is not so great, you might be wondering whether or not you can still get a mortgage. Well, it's going to be difficult but getting a mortgage with a bad credit score is going to be possible.

A lot of things determine whether or not you can get a mortgage rate, and credit score is one of the biggest ones. If you are sure that your credit is bad, you should probably start taking steps to repair it. Things like paying your bills on time, not having too many credit cards, not having to many people check your credit and so on are going to affect your credit, so be aware of this and start to improve your credit. Good credit is going to net you a better mortgage rate, but it is still possible to get a mortgage with bad credit.

If there is no hope for your credit, you need to look for other ways to buy a house, because a mortgage probably won't ever be granted to you. You can thank these mortgage rules on the downturn of the economy, which is making it difficult for those with bad credit to get a mortgage. One way that those with terrible credit can get approved is to ask someone to cosign the mortgage papers with them. This is risky for the cosigner, because they are putting their credit on the line for you.

If your credit is poor, and you have been trying to improve it and your credit score has been showing signs of improvement because you have been paying your bills on time for the last six months, you have a chance at getting a better mortgage. If this is you, you are going to want to go and shop around at different mortgage companies to see which one is going to offer you the best rate. You might be paying more than most people would pay, but if you keep improving your credit score, you can always remortgage your house in a couple of years to get an even better rate.

If your credit is bad, you are probably going to pay a higher interest rate, and your mortgage company might even insist that you get mortgage insurance if you don't have enough money for the down payment. This is going to add a considerable cost to your mortgage, so you are going to want to make sure that you budget this in and know how much you're going to be mailing off to the bank every month so that you don't find yourself in a financial pinch. Basically, if you default on this mortgage you are going to find getting a mortgage in the future virtually impossible to do.

If you have filed for bankruptcy, do you think that you will be able to get a mortgage now? Don't get your hopes up, because the only thing that you can do is to shop around. If the bank offers you a mortgage with an interest rate that is significantly higher than what it should be, you should probably decline.

The moral of the story is you should make sure your credit stays good and that will save you a lot of headaches of getting a mortgage with bad credit.

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How To Get Small Loans With Bad Credit

By sammy maseko

At times in our lives, it is almost certain we will experience some sort form of financial problems including debt; pressures of life can sometimes cause this awful situation. When a borrower has a poor credit history it's not the end; there are many companies who will supply you with a bad credit loan. When finance is arranged under these circumstances, the loan can still be used in the same way any other type of loan.

Late or missed payments can often be the reason a person's credit score has been lowered and these situations could be due to quite innocent oversights. Fortunately it is possible to rectify the situation. These bad credit loans may be used for other situations and not necessarily debts, so it could be used for an emergency expense that has arisen like medical fees not covered by insurance or a wedding for example. Another reason for borrowing money is to improve the credit status of the borrower. The credit status can be improved by the monthly repayment of a loan.

By arranging a loan this way you have two options of borrowing money; the secured and unsecured loan option, where the secured option will allow the borrower to take up an amount in the range of 10,000 - 150,000 dollars for a period of 5-25 years. The second option is to arrange an unsecured loan which will reduce the amount that can be borrowed to fifty thousand dollars and reduce the term of repayment to a maximum of ten years. The reason a larger amount can be borrowed with a secured loan is because recovery of the amount is guaranteed; something of equal value to the loan would be used as collateral, such as the family home - this is the reason why a lower interest rate can be arranged.

With the second option of the unsecured loan, the borrower will always pay more interest as no guarantee has been provided, so finding a lender with a low unsecured lending rate becomes more important. Internet research into bad credit loan companies can even provide certain lenders who will take on applicants who have serious debt problems and previous court judgments against them. Although, not all lenders are willing to provide a loan under these circumstances, when you find one, it may be better to carry out the application online.

A person shouldn't have too much difficulty in arranging a bad credit loan even if they have a previous adverse credit score and it may help improve your situation when you are at you lowest. You can select a lender online and, after paying off everything you owe with a loan arranged this way, you can live your life peacefully once again. Finally, with loans for someone with bad credit, the opportunity to maintain credibility in the financial market by paying previous debts whilst rebuilding credit history, has got to be a good thing.

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